The Virgo Consortium

The BAHAMAS Project

BAHAMAS light cone maps

BAHAMAS explores plausible extensions of the LCDM model, including massive neutrino cosmologies, time-variable dark energy models and modified gravity models.


The BAHAMAS (BAryons and HAloes of MAssive Systems) project is a large-volume, cosmological simulations which grew out of the (Cosmo-)OWLS project. It is a first attempt to calibrate the feedback on the total baryon content of haloes and is the first study to explicitly calibrate the feedback on the observed properties of massive haloes.

The BAHAMAS project extends the calibration philosophy used by EAGLE to also include the gas fractions of groups and clusters (since the hot gas dominates over the stellar mass fraction in such systems) which is crucially important when trying to constrain feedback models.

BAHAMAS light cone maps

The three panels show 17′ × 17′ cut-outs from the BAHAMAS light cone maps. From left to right the panels show the tSZ signal, the X-ray flux and the lensing convergence, centred on the most massive cluster.


The initial paper for “The BAHAMAS Project” has been published as McCarthy et al. 2017. For more information and relevant publications please visit LJMU’s project description page or contact Ian McCarthy.